7 DIY Ideas How to Re-purpose Old Drawers

You don’t need that old drawer anymore? Think twice before throwing it away. There are a lot of different ways how to re-purpose old drawers. We bring you some ideas that we find interesting and are actually usable. You will love these ideas! They are fun to make and they will light up the room you love too.

Dog bed


DIY project and photos credit to interiorish.com

Picture Frame Drawers

drawers-picture-frameDIY project and photos credit to indulgy.com

Under Bed Storage

under-bed-storageDIY project and photos credit to indulgym.co

Old Drawers Headboard

old-drawers-headbordDIY project and photos credit to interiorish.com

Old Drawers Bathroom Organizer

old-drawers-bathroom-organizerDIY project and photos credit to vintageglassjewels.com

New Hangers From Old Drawers

new-hangers-from-old-drawersDIY project and photos credit to imgfave.com

Old Drawer Bulletin Board

old-drawer-bulletin-boardDIY project and photos credit to interiorish.com